Enrolment - Kindergarten

kinder enrolment

Applications for enrolment at Holy Rosary Catholic School can be submitted at any time throughout the year, although the enrolment process for Kindergarten begins one year prior to entry. Kindergarten students must turn four years of age on or before the 1st of January of the year commencing Kinder.

Applications for Kinder 2026 close on Friday, 9th May 2025.

Offers of a place for Kindergarten 2026 will be communicated in early June 2025.

Download an enrolment form here or contact the school office on 6275 5200 for a copy.

**Twilight Tours will run on Monday 31st March and Thursday 3rd April 2025** Click HERE to register your attendance.

When submitting an enrolment at Holy Rosary Catholic School please remember to include with your application the following:

  • Birth Certificate (orignial copy needs to be sighted)
  • Sacramental Certificates to date
  • Immunisation records
  • Passport (or immicard), visa, citizenship documentation and other information (if applicable)
  • Any other relevant documentation as outlined on page 20 of the Student Enrolment Application Form

Please also note that the application needs to be submitted with original signatures, it also cannot be scanned or photocopied.

Holy Rosary Catholic School follows the Enrolment Policy and Protocols as set by the Tasmanian Catholic Education Commission (TCEC). Please see the policy here.

Kindergarten run two streams three (3) full days a week, either Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday or Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Other Important Documents 

Schedule of Fees 2025

Kindergarten Prospectus

Kinder Uniform Price List

Kindergarten Transition Program

Holy Rosary Catholic School run transition sessions for children entering Kindergarten in the following year in term 4 of the year prior to starting Kindergarten.

The children attend 2 sessions with a parent or guardian for an hour and a half in Term 4. This will provide children and their families the opportunity to develop a relationship with the other children and their families and some of their child's educators for the following year.

The afternoon sessions focus on emotional, social, language, cognitive and physical development. The Transition Program will use a variety of hands-on investigative play based work, including group time, whilst being supported and guided by parents/carers and early years' educators.

Holy Rosary Catholic School also run a Birth to 5 Program: Set up for Success - The Village, with more information detailed here.