Dear Parents and Guardians,
Welcome to the 2025 school year! We have had a wonderful start to the year with the staff having opportunities for professional learning, classroom preparation time and a chance to catch up with colleagues. We are well set up for a productive and enjoyable year ahead.
I sincerely thank all our staff for their amazing efforts prior to the students returning. In no particular order… our Classroom Teachers and Teacher Assistants who have created welcoming and calm student spaces, our Office Staff for welcoming our new families and for answering all the many back-to-school questions; and to our wonderful Utility Officers who have the school looking neat and tidy!
As a staff community, we spent time revisiting student expectations to ensure all staff, old and new, are on the same page. Staff have then discussed these with students and each class has had the opportunity to create their own class commitments for the year ahead. Expectations discussion centred on the following areas - manners and greetings; moving around the school; eating times; assemblies and events; and property. Ensuring we are all on the same page will allow for a predictable, consistent and safe environment both inside our classrooms and in our outside environment. Some things we ask families to note moving forward…
- Personal property, i.e. toys or sporting equipment should not be brought to school, if it does come it will be put on the teacher's desk for the day. The only exception to this is possible fidget/comfort toys. This must be named up in a student's Learning Plan and discussed with the classroom teacher and Shona Martin (Student Support Coordinator).
- We seem to have a lot of rubbish at school and would appreciate less packaging where possible
- Student supervision commences at 8:20 am. No student should be on site prior to this time unless they are at OSHC. From 8:20 am - 8:30 am, students should be seated in Area 1 until classroom doors open.
- Please ensure all items of clothing, lunchboxes, drink bottles etc are clearly named. If uniform items have been purchased second-hand, please update the owner's name. This makes it much easier to return.
As we commence our new school year I remind you of our expectations regarding uniforms, hair and jewellery.
Uniform Policy
Specific reminders - Earrings must only be small studs or small sleepers, nothing that dangles. Any hair (boy, girl, mullet etc) beyond shoulder length must be tied back. We appreciate your support in adhering to these policies.
For the safety of all our families, please remember to only use designated pathways and school crossings in our carpark. We remind you that at drop off and pick up times you may only turn left out of the school gates. The Wyndham Road Shopping Centre opposite the school is very supportive of our community and in turn, we respect their wishes to leave all parking directly in front of the shops for their clients. Parents and Guardians can park around behind the shops or in the parks closest to the road.
We are thrilled to welcome a number of new staff to the school. We hope they settle in quickly and enjoy working at our wonderful school
- Melanie Backhouse has commenced working in the School Office on Thursday & Friday
- Kayedel Smith is our new AFL SportsReady Trainee and will be with us each Monday to Wednesday
- Mel Scharvi has joined us from St Aloysius as our ILRE (Instructional Leader: Religious Education) and Grade 2 Teacher (Thursday & Friday)
- New roles for Danielle Dean & Hailey Peters (previously Teacher Assistants at Holy Rosary) are now teachers in Grade 1 and Prep/Grade 3 respectively.
- New Teacher Assistants - James Bourke, Gabby Collis, Nikeeta King, Chloe McGuire, Isabella Riddock, Owen Roberts and Kristen Saal
There are many new families in our school - most have begun their journey in our two Kindergarten classes. It is so exciting to see their smiling and happy faces as they headed in for their first days with us. We also welcome the following students and their families in -
- Prep - Malania and Lewis
- Grade 1 - Elana and Kora
- Grade 2 - Ava, Nina, Hadi & Skaidra
- Grade 3 - Liam
- Grade 4 - Simani
- Grade 5 - Billie
We are excited about the year ahead and the many opportunities for learning and growth. We welcome ALL our families to our School Welcome BBQ on Wednesday 26th February from 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm.
Kind regards,
Susan McGann